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A few things to note, that is, if you were taking notes.

Jumpin’. That is how I would describe things around the MCA World Headquarters these days. I feel like the Alliance is up and running with more steam than it ever has in the past. This is due to a lot of people filling in where I am leaving off and keeping the fat tires rolling and the rubber side down.

Case in point, this past Friday’s Alley Cat which was organized and carried out by Fixie Dave. Not only did it go smoothly but I have been told that it pretty much rocked. The race was won by none other than Wallet Maker Mitch whose purchases for the evening equaled a perfect score of 6.66.

Picture stolen from Fixie

That is impressive. Wish I could have been there.

Speaking of Wallet Maker Mitch, he has agreed to make some wallets up for us to sell. For the few of you who haven’t seen has handy work, these are made from used bicycle tires and tubes that are stitched together by hand right here in SG.

I have been rocking this wallet for about four months now. It holds my money well, keeps my credit cards from flopping out and gets lots of compliments. Best of all, the tread holds it in your pocket something fierce meaning it would be nigh impossible to pick pocket this beast.

I don’t have a date for when these will be available or prices, but if you want one shoot me an email and I will see what I can do to speed things up. Or you can diligently watch the Buy Some Stuff page until they appear. While you are there, grab some stickers and tag your ride.

I am also currently working on getting some t-shirts up and printed in this place so you can show off your Knuckle love whenever you go out. And by working on, I mean there are ideas in my head that will be coming out in a vomit of Mooseknuckle love, soon.

In riding news, the Alliance met up with a Red Rock Bicycle Co. group ride this past Sunday. This gave us the opportunity to ride with Wallet Maker Mitch, Jay and Robert. We did laps in the Stucki/Bear Claw Poppy area for a couple of hours giving us about 20 miles of riding on the legs. And as a bonus we got to ride up the hill from the Micro Loop to the Bear Claw Poppy three whole times. I love that hill.

Photo Evidence (stolen with permission from Mitch)

It got a little dark. I really dig this shot.
Another one of Jay
Robert and the MCA

Good times. Of course we ended the whole thing with a jaunt down from Rattlesnake hill railing every turn as fast as we could. That’s just how we do things around this place.

As a reminder, we are scheduled to begin a rigorous training schedule starting this Wednesday. This will consist of us doing a night ride every Wednesday. This week’s ride will be on the Prospector. Meet at 9 pm tomorrow at the Cottonwood Trailhead. I will provide after ride PBR’s…

Speaking of after ride social events, the Alliance is slowly becoming less of a suck of cash and is on track to break even some time in 2043. The only reason I bring this up is because I would love to be able to provide more after ride social events, more prizes, more Mooseknuckle love, etc. So if you enjoy those things, look to your right and click on those stupid ads or even better yet buy some stickers. The cost of the Alliance is small and I promise that once it no longer costs me money to do this shit, everything that is profit will go towards the things you all love. Thanks…

See you all tomorrow night, bring your game face cuz we be droppin’ the steps in the dark.

P. L. and R.


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