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Not riding is sometimes a good thing.

Looking up

It had been way too long since I had been backpacking. After the Berg’s accident, I have been forced to get off the bike and do other things. Like last weekend’s trip through Pine Creek. It has also allowed me to do things that I love to do, like backpacking.

It happened that I had this past Thursday free from employment. I arranged to get off at 5 on Wednesday and everything was ready. The plan was to leave at 5 sharp, head straight up the mountain. Hopefully making it to the top before dark. As is our forte we haphazardly didn’t stick to the plan.

The Berg picked me up around 5:45. Then we went to the food king so she could get some, you know, sustenance. She thought that was important. Then we headed up the mountain. All of these variants from the plan, put us at the trailhead just before 7. We had about two hours to make our way to the top before the sun dropped and we would be hiking up the canyon in the dark. We busted ass.

Seeing that we hadn’t done any backpacking since the Polar North days, the last half mile or so seemed to take f o r e v e r. Both of us were cursing the plan and wishing that we had left a little sooner. But alas, we made it. I set up the tent just as the last light was fading from the valley.

Then we slept.

And awoke.

Berg’s choice of gear was  less than optimal, leaving us sharing a sleeping bag for the last couple hours of sleep signifying that I didn’t do a lot of sleeping. From having my arm wrapped around my head and my butt hanging at the back and freezing, there wasn’t a lot of comfort on my side of the tent.

Then we hiked back down. It felt good to feel the mountain’s cold air and cleansing spirit. I will be back soon.

Photo evidence.



  1. shelby

    Nice. I haven’t been up on pv for years and its been even more since i did a over nighter. Mill flat is outta new harmony right? Thought about doing forsyth up over to mill flat and down for a two day trip sometime. Let’s arrange it.

  2. Knuckler

    Mills Flat is on the New Harmony side, but I don’t believe there is access. The only trails I know of are on the Grass Valley side. I am planning on going up again soon. Probably just another overnighter, not sure I will have time for a longer trip this year.

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