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MSR Stoves rock

I just finished servicing my MSR Whisperlite International.

This is signifacant for a couple of reasons.

1. After a decade of use, this stove still works flawlessly. I have dragged it up and down my mountain too many times to count. It went to Chile and Argentina with me, where finding white gas was a challenge, so I used kerosene. It was in BOB while I rode across this state and a couple of other ones. This is a piece of gear you can purchase and forget about. It will work every time. 

2. This is the first time I have done any maintenance to  this stove. It was working fine but I figured after a decade of use I should show it some love. Disassembling the thing and cleaning it are simple. It took me a grand total of 10 minutes.

3. Most things made today barely last a season. So things that last for decades and work without any issues, are things we should celebrate. I raise my glass to my MSR stove. Here’s to another decade.


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