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Once again, I ride into the Sunset

My only thoughts, pertaining to money, deal with where to stay tonight. The real question lingers deeper in my mind, do I take a shower tonight or not?

It’s about 5 p.m. There’s a good three hours of daylight left. I’m 45 miles in. Not much for a full day of riding, but that wind has been hounding me for days. Just when I think it has let up and I jump back on, it kicks me right back into first gear. Makes me wonder why in god’s name am I out here? Where am I headed?

Who cares?

I think I will wait for that shower. Why do today what can be left till tomorrow? That means I can continue to ride for a full hour before I begin to look for a place to crash. It’s an interesting skill that is acquired quickly when one’s on the road, that of finding a place, free of charge, to stay. It’s surprising how easily one can sleep in a covert. And even more surprising how quickly you get used to it.

After a few months on the road, you find things to keep you occupied such as finding good places to sleep. The only problem with this game is that you pass most of the good ones in the morning, you know you aren’t going to stop till evening and when you finally decide on a spot you can’t help but remember that one you saw earlier. I’m sure there were no bugs there.

Ah, yes, the insanity of the road. Alone one will talk to anything. Fence posts. Eagles flying above. The passenger in the car that did not stop to see if you were ok. There are a lot of thoughts. One can become overwhelmed by thoughts, by thinking, by the activity of being alone. I’ve often wondered about being alone and why people associate it with being lonely. I always felt the most alone in a room filled with talking people.

It’s 7:18.

I’m riding into the sunset. The knot in my stomach returns knowing that I must find that place. But there’s been so many. Maybe I should turn back. It was only a few miles back. I’ll get up early and make up the time.

Forward I go.

7:32. Still in motion. Still riding into the sunset. Things are looking desperate. Maybe I should have stopped for that shower.

7:43. Not a perfect spot, but as good as any I’ve slept in for a while. Free of wind, drivers from the road will not see me. Bugs, everywhere. Where is that damn bug netting? Dammit! One just fell in my pasta.

Sitting, watching the water boil. My bike beside. My portal to freedom. I happen to look up and catch the sunset I’ve been watching for the past hour or so. The colors are the definition of fading, melting all into one. The shades so difficult to catch with a photograph. I don’t try. I contemplate it all. The fatigue in my legs, the laughter in my own head. The stench from my body. The poetry I wrote in my head while I motored on and on. The sunset fades into night and I fall asleep. A smile on my face.

Once again, I ride into the sunset.

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