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I’ve been born again

Starting April 1st the Service Center began a commuting challenge. If we are able to have 100% commutership for the month, Sir Gurr will put in a shower. I know I’ve mentioned this before but it’s been a good thing. I’ve been born again as a bike commuter and have found that the half hour that it takes me to get to and from work are probably the most content, relaxed minutes of my entire day. The long hours I’ve been working, again, have been melting away as I peddle the mooseknucklermobile to and from work.

You may also notice the beautiful detail work I did with a couple of MCA stickers, making it official. This bike is a blast and I haven’t gotten tired of taking pictures of the bike or of the things that I carry in it.

Close up of my artwork.

If you have some place you would allow some advertising for this, the best blog in the world, hit me up and I will get you some stickers. I also love pictures of where you stuck ’em.

Some other sticker placement, not by me.

The above image was stolen, but then again, it was a picture of my sticker. Kim and Danny did the tagging…

Tour de St. George start

This weekend we had some awesome weather. We also had a whole bunch of people in town for something known as the Tour de St. George. Not everyone who was signed up, showed and rode, but then again there were people who signed up Friday knowing full well what they were getting themselves into. As you can see from the photo to the left and those below, everyone who started out that day is a bonafide Mooseknuckler.

I, of course, was recruited to be the guy at the start line standing next to a repair stand and handing/pointing to the floor pump when people asked. This meant that I needed to be at Town Center around 7 a.m. Keeping with the commuter challenge for the month meant my ass was out of bead quite early. This followed a late night at the Pratt-Chacon residence. Luckily Sir Gurr had offered to take me from his house so the commute was only about a mile and I was able to sleep in a full half hour more.

The weather was not awesome. It took me a full five minutes longer than I anticipated to make it to Green Springs Drive. The rain that was falling was about a half step away from being snow and it was burning my face as it was blown into my clean shaven chin. I curse the wind, but love it at the same time.

Off they go! (gratuitous use of exclamation point)
Token Recumbent

Speaking of the Pratt-Chacon family, which I’m pretty sure I did just a bit back, making this a delayed segue, we just happened to run into them again Saturday night at the Kim-Danny residence where a birthday party had been had. For some reason there were lots and lots of fake tattoos floating around. Some tagging was done.

My new neck tattoo.
Baby with a tramp stamp.

Speaking of tramp stamps, the Mooseknuckler Alliance got out for a nice group ride this afternoon. We rode the dirt the way it was meant to be ridden. Baby Scar Face, Mitch and Jay all showed up for the event and we got out and were proud of our Knuckles. I was amazed at how green and overgrown everything is right now. There were time that it was hard to find the trail. At the top looking out over Stucki’s, it was like looking across a green ____________ (insert whatever you think is typical of green, I couldn’t think of anything).

The whole ride came about because I wanted to get some air under my tires and make sure that the Enduro got dirty. I succeeded in both. I didn’t get as much air under my tires as I had hoped but air was gotten. You have to always leave something for next time.

The highlight of the ride was when Baby Scar Face wrecked. We were on the Moustache Trail. There is a small (2-3 foot) drop that leads into a little double. I hit it and then Baby Scar Face hit the drop and chongo charged the double. He then had to go back and give it another shot. As soon as he hit the ground off of the drop he started mashing on the pedals like he was trying to go somewhere. I looked at Jay and said, “He’s going way too fast.” He hit the double and cleared the landing by about five feet. He was in the air much longer than he anticipated and came down off camber. Then he hit the ground. The ground was sandstone. He kind of bounced off the ground. And then he bled. It looked like it hurt.

Scar Face
He even got blood on his bike.
Scar Face rolling in.
SF on top of the Diving Board
Before he was termed Scar Face
Gratuitous view of my mountain

I think that sums up that ride.

Speaking of not riding. The Goose got snowed on. I’m not even sure we are going to have a Goose Season this year. I am looking forward to riding, and maybe camping out there this weekend. If the road is passable and the weather doesn’t go south, or east, bad. If you are thinking about heading out there, I would recommend giving it until at least Thursday.

Snowy Goose anyone?

Time for bed. Hope you enjoyed the week.

In breaking news, I just wanted you all to know that Baby Scar Face is ok.

Ride more. Drive less.

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