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You picked a fine time…

Today was a good day. Not that many days are bad days, but today was a good day.

I got home from work early. This, of course, meaning that I didn’t work a 10 hour shift, I only worked an eight hour shift. Those two hours make a big difference. I was amazed at how energetic I felt when I got home. KB was at Hot Yoga with P Pfaehler. So I had the house to myself. As I wandered around bumping into the emptiness, trying to find something to snack on and drink, I walked into our kitchen. Now, this is something that I hadn’t ever thought about this house before and maybe I won’t ever again, but when I walked into the kitchen it just struck me as being really big. The more I thought about it the more obvious the conclusion became that my house is big.

Most of you who have been to the Mooseknuckler Cycling Alliance World Headquarters may be shaking your heads right now wondering what it is that I had found to drink. However, truth be told, this house is big.

I always love the argumentative retort, “Well, if you don’t like it here why don’t you move to a different country?” Hmm. I did and I enjoyed it and I may or may not end up living somewhere else again. The fact that I lived somewhere else is why I feel things can be better here and why I believe that we need to be more aware of our role in world economics so that those who don’t live here can have it better (another one of my amazing sentences…). And something about a big house.

Oh yeah. Looking back at that time I spent in the great “elsewhere,” I realize in the relativity of here, my house is small, and to put it nicely, is quite humble. But in the bigger scheme of things, my house is large and extravagantly furnished for most of the world. I can remember vividly upon returning to the States from Chile, the feeling of utter confusion at the excess shit that people accrued and how much they were willing to work to have those things, like “big” houses. Driving from the Las Vegas airport back to SG was like watching a video portraying the human race as rats, in the clichéd rat race.

And if you were watching that video, the camera would be sitting behind a kids head so you couldn’t see his face. He, of course, would be looking out the window while the car hummed down the interstate. The other cars would throw a glare on the window and through this glare you would be able to see the row after row of track houses wizzing by. This scene would be seen as cliché because it has been done a million times. The only difference in this story was that I was the kid instead of the guy with the video camera.

So, to make this story shorter, as it probably should have been. I feel quite happy about my house.

Another thing that I’m happy about, this song:

It always brings a smile to my face. I can’t help but sing along and use KY’s version, “You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel.”

Speaking of loose wheels, I don’t have any, but I did have a good time on top of a pair of good wheels yesterday. The Mooseknucklermobile was seen at the Goose with Zatch, Pratt, KB and Cim in tow. It was Zatch’s first time out. As was expected he held his own quite well. Give the kid another trip or two and he will be showing us the ropes.

I must mention that the XTR 10 speed group on the Enduro is still keeping the smile on my face. The brakes are amazing. It shifts like a champ, not like the champ who I’m pretty sure never shifts, but like a champ. I’ve even been heard to say that the brakes are as good as my Hopes which is probably the best compliment I can give a brake. Hmm, like Rage Against the Machine said, thanks for XTR.

I hope to try out some more of that goodness here in a day or two. I’ll have to see how my day off on Thursday works out seeing I will be working all weekend. Working all weekend. Hmm, where’s that gun?

I think now is a better time than any to say I’m happy and I’m picking a fine time to leave y’all.

P. L. and R.

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