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Ok it finally happened

Dammit this weather has finally got me down. It hit me like ice breaking on a frozen pond this afternoon, I need a fix and I need it quick. The road bike is going to have to do (this of course is said with an accusatory tone for all you retards riding the trails right now, yup, it’s a bad idea). Which ever since Dave Hunt made his triumphant return to Red Rock has appeared to be more and more desirable. I’m not sure why, that’s just the way it is.

In upcoming local events, that interest me, but may or may not interest you, Bill Cosby will be appearing in our neck of the woods. As will Greg Mortenson, if you don’t know who he is consider this. In my opinion he has done more to counter terrorism than any war or bomb ever could. He has been building schools in Afganistan and Pakistan for some time now. You can fight the symptoms or combat the disease… I haven’t got my tickets to the first one yet, so don’t go ordering your tickets until I let you know that I got mine, thanks.

Moving on.

The picture from my last post is from KB’s and I’s adventure snowshoeing on Sunday. Just to give you a setting for the next set of thoughts, our journey to my mountain ended at the turn off for the Mill Canyon trailhead. I say turn off because there was too much snow to actually attempt to drive up the road the last few miles to the trailhead. At the point where we stopped, we had been driving in snow where, maybe two other trucks had gone. This may not seem like much, but KB has a little anxiety thing when it comes to driving in snow. She basically buried her head and kept telling me to put it in 4 low and to slow down. I just kept it between sliding down into Grass Valley and slipping off into the sage brush covered snow. When we arrived at the turn off she was a total wreck. I only tell you this because I want you to understand what it meant for my wife to go snowshoeing with me on Sunday. It meant confronting one of her, albeit irrational, mortal fears. That of driving in the snow. We then parked about two miles from the trailhead and broke snow all day long. We snowshoed for close to five hours and didn’t even come close to the top, our goal. And then we drove back down that same road.

If I have ever given anyone, including her the impression that I don’t absolutely adore her, this is to clarify the point. I raise my glass to my wife, a bad ass in her own right. This is for KB!

KB standing on top of my world
Ok, I played with Photoshop a little bit.
KB on top of my world
The original, KB on top of my world.

Ok, enough sentimentality.

It took me quite some time to come around to the idea of digital photography. Even since I bought my digital SLR in 2007, I haven’t done much with it. It just doesn’t feel the same. I look at that first photo of KB and think, that would have taken me hours in a dark room to accomplish, but now it’s a matter of knowing what filter and adjustment to make. It took a matter of minutes and I could see the changes as I made them instead of waiting for the photo paper to develop and seeing if I got what I wanted. The process is gone, the journey has been lost. However, I am making a conscious effort to learn this new way of things.

Once again, moving on.

I wrote about a man named John a couple of posts back. Well he did contact me again and we were able to get together and share a couple of beers. Through that I was brought into participation in DocUtah. This is the same film festival that brought us Fishbone just a few months ago. Seeing that I love documentaries, it almost seemed like perfection for him to contact me to participate in helping to chose which films will be shown. I’m pretty excited about this. I think it will be a great, good time.

I also joined an Anarchist online collective, or was accepted into said organization recently. I’ve posted some of their news here in the past and I hope to be able to be an asset in the future. Check ’em, A-Infos.

Ok, I think that is about it for now.

Peace. Love. and Revolution.

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