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I had a bad bike day

There are days that it seems that all the evil powers in the world are bound into one big ball of hurry that keeps you from getting out of your front door in time, sometimes these happen when you commute.

Monday started out as a good morning. I awoke on time and was able to pull my lazy ass out of bed. I got things going with my traditional cup of OJ and banana and peanut butter sandwich. KB even reminded me that my riding gear was in her truck and that I should get everything that I needed. Up to this point life was good, then she left.

I had planned on riding the Look. I realized that the tires needed air. Then realized that the floor pump was in the back of the truck that just drove away. I pondered using the hand pump but that didn’t seem feasible within the time constraints that I was working. Second idea, ride the cross bike. The tires were aired to trail riding pressure but should get me to work without too much extra effort.

I made the necessary gear changes. I grabbed the hydration pack (the cross bike is lacking in hydration carrying hardware) and switched to the mountain shoes. I had lunch packed and everything ready to go. Then I started to look for my keys. I checked the regular spots that they tend to hide; pockets, counter, tv stand. Then I moved on to the where-the-hell-are-my-keys locations; bathroom, under bed, under couch, in between anything and everything. NOWHERE.

Without my keys, I could not drive to work and my time was beginning to get rather short. I could not open the shop nor my toolbox. In desperation, I called KB. Luckily, she hadn’t quite gotten to the school. Yup, the keys were in the door. Yup, it was gonna be a huge pain in her ass but she would take them to the shop for me.

Success. I ran out the door, leaving it unlocked, straddled the cross bike and jumped on the pedals. I was 15 minutes behind schedule and not ready to try and push things, but push I did.

All said, I finally got out the door, to the shop, and ready to work by opening time….Success.

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