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Swordfish is Upon Us.


Well, it’s almost time for Interbike. That yearly spectacle of amazing innovations in color and other small things that large corporations pretend will improve upon the bicycle and its already perfected state. I will be attending this year. Luckily, I don’t have to meet with any douchebag sales reps (not that all sales reps are douches…). No I get to attend with the sole purpose of sitting through seminars to make me a better mechanic. “Hurray for me, and fuck you!” I do have to admit that among this barrage of cynicism is a bit of excitement, for loe, I get to see the norther Mooseknucklers. I-dog will even be riding with us after the show is over, and how someone could be unexcited about that I do not know.

The wonderful thing is that most companies have rendered an industry show useless. I can’t think of any company that has waited for the show to release their products for Swordfish (SF 2010). Actually most of them have not only released what is going to be available for the following model year but have already made their products available. I’ve been assembling SF Specialized bikes for a couple of weeks already. So why would I need to travel to the awful city of sin to see such things? I don’t know.

But in the spirit of being a critic and a cynic, these are my picks for kick ass bikes for SF.

First up, SBC’s Live 1. We recieved one of these bad boys yesterday, and I have to admit they are pretty cool. A solid rack adorns the front of the bike and that’s it for bells and whistles, except for maybe the bell that sits atop the handlebars. The only complaint I have is the lack of rear brake bosses. This leaves hub choices restricted to the stock coaster brake or a fixed gear, which isn’t all bad but the ability to run a freewheel would make this bike astronomically kick ass. Even as it is, I would be surprised if I don’t own one by the end of the year.

For the rest of SBC’s line, I would say they have made serious improvements over last year’s mountain offerings. You will see a lack of Specialized branded suspension components, bonus. I keep seeing the Stumpy and the Enduro and thinking wow that is a cool bike, if only it didn’t have suspension or gears….

The Raleigh Record Ace is a new steel frame road bike. Despite its name the bike neither sport Record or Dura Ace componentry but goes for the affordable yet equally awesome Ultegra group, that has been redesigned for SF. The frame is Reynolds 530 and it is a full Shimano group, so you know it will actually work, for a long, long time. The only thing that could make this better is a higher grade steel and maybe loosing the gears. Otherwise, it gets my approval. I am also stoked to see the custom cyclocross frame that has been promised again. After last year’s success, the SF model should be rocking your world. Stay tuned.

Now I’m going to venture into the maybe I shouldn’t think this is cool zone. But the Ridley X Night does something for me. It’s just beautiful. You may fault it for being carbon or having gears, but just look at it. It’s beautiful and as such it gets my approval.

Ok. Now I’m not sure what else to be excited about. Actually I can’t think of anything else. Alright, I’m lying. I’m getting totally stoked about not thinking about the bikes and getting out and riding this coming year. I’m also stoked to be getting involved and hope to get you all involved too. Come help….

Swordfish is upon us. Let’s enjoy it.

Peace. Love. and Revolution

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