It had been altogether way too long for this. After somewhat discretely changing in the parking lot on the side of the highway, I grab…
The question at hand was whether Ranger Joe (our made up name for him) would have been as incredulous if I had picked up the…
We’ve already been moving for close to eight hours. The first four went pretty smoothly. The river was narrow and the channel well defined. Following…
Oscillating. John and Shalena are out front, with Shalena pushing a pace that is as close as running without running I think I’ve seen. Kenny…
It’s a strange place. We park in a lot that while it has been updated, cleaned up and made to feel a bit more inviting…
2022 was just another year in a string of years that no one had any clue what the fuck was going on. Case in point,…
It’s lunch time and as expected, the sun is high and intense. We are walking across a giant, ancient, petrified sand dune. Shade trees are…
I stand up from filtering water and almost fall over. My brain went blank for a second and then turned back on. The process of…