I worked for a shop called Sunrise. The owner of said shop explained that he had chosen that name for a couple of reasons. A)…
The past few days has seen a surge in pedal strokes taken by the Alliance. I guess the nice weather and the fact that there…
When I was but a wee lad, I spent a lot of time thinking. Most of the ideas and thoughts that bounced around in my…
Pursuant to Tuesday’s post about me being a big pussy, I headed out to rectify said situation. I swapped the slicks for some knobbies on…
Look forward to a review soon. Now, it’s time to ride…
Looking back at Training Day #1, I must apologize for the post. But that ride really, really sucked. So, I’m sorry. Day #2 on the…
I started training for the True Grit last night. I started by drinking some Tequila as a motivator for getting out of bed and made…