We are ecstatic to announce that the Bristlecone 200 will return for 2023 under the Alliance flag.
The brainchild and long-term project of the legendary Dave Harris, the Bristlecone 200 is a 203-mile bikepacking race in Southern Utah. Using some well-known trails, dirt roads, almost unknown trails and a bit of pavement, the route loops through some of the most beautiful country in an area well known for its beauty. The route begins in Parowan Canyon climbing up to Sidney Peaks where you get your first taste of the rowdiness you will experience as it drops you down Bunker Creek.
You will continue pedaling through some dirt roads and pavement as it winds its way around to Panguitch and eventually to the Hancock and Cassidy Trails. As you continue through your day, you will eventually make it into the Red Canyon Area The views would take your breath away if the riding already hadn’t. You’ll get to experience Thunder Mountain which is to say you’ll be surrounded by the bright red Hoodoos that are characteristic of the Bryce Canyon area before making your way onto the Grand View Trail. You will make your way across the Paunsaugunt Plateau.
All of this brings you back to the Virgin River Rim Trail, with its sweeping views and steep, loose terrain, you may start to reconsider some of your life decisions. Then you get the Navajo Lake Trail and end by finishing up your 200+ mile pedal by bombing, yes, bombing Dark Hollow.
It’ll be rowdy.
Dave’s Rule
The rules are simple. By lining up you agree to honor your fellow bikepacker by following them. This is your honor code. I will not mediate rules issues as I implicitly trust all who line up. Ask for clarification on FB or bikepacking.net if they are not clear.
– Complete the entire route under your own human power.
– No pre-arranged support with one exception: teams of any number of riders are allowed. The rules apply to the team as a unit; the finishing time of the team is that of the last member to finish. Team riders may share items but otherwise no cached or pre-arranged support is allowed.
– It is the responsibility of the rider to determine whether or not he/she has finished within the rules.
– GPX file submission or Trackleaders tracking is required to claim a course record.
Not kosher: caches of food, water or other supplies; getting in a vehicle; drafting; having people meet you on the route (social support is huge for some); reserving a hotel room prior to the start; planning to share gear with a non-team member;
Kosher: sharing gear among team members; leaving the route – must reenter the route at or above the spot you left; reserving a room or ordering a pizza after the start.
Trackleaders Registration
Map Links
Past Beta
Last 2-Epic Post (Note the route was slightly different when most of this was written)
2024 Dates
The Grand Depart will be at 7 AM on Friday, September 13th from the bottom of Left Hand Canyon.
Current Discussion in Facebook Group
Huge thanks to Dave Harris for spending the past couple of decades piecing all of this together and allowing us to keep it running. This route is one of a kind.