If you are living under a rock and this comes as breaking news, you can tell everyone that you heard it hear first. If you don’t and you’ve been up on this you can skip this post.
As you all, I’m sure, have seen the video I posted a bit back. What I haven’t posted until now is the ridiculous commentary by ESPN dipshits and the hell fire, shit storm that emerged from the cycling community, as it should.
Since people with better writing prowess have already tackled the task of explaining the what, who’s and WTF’s. I have a few links for you.
Drunk Cyclist’s thoughts
That should just about cover it.
In other news, which you probably haven’t heard anything about and happens to be ocurring in our own neck of the desert. The DMBTA will be working with DocUtah to bring Pedal Driven to St. George and have a kick ass evening around the screening. All the details aren’t quite worked out but put Sept 16th on your calendar as busy from 6 pm on. We will have live music, a guerrilla movie contest, the screening, night ride and after ride social. Only people who are nobody will not be there. Which means if you are someone you better plan on being there and supporting the local advocacy efforts.
As an added bonus, the film is actually pretty damn awesome and is worth the watch without all the extra bonuses.
So that’s Sept 16th at the Electric Theater at 6 pm. You’ve been warned.
And now for a random picture of Big D.
I hope that sums everything up for you. And also a big good luck to the Christensen family as they compete in a family tri this weekend.