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This weekend I fell off a cliff at least 123 times in my mind, pictures below the fold.

Big D dropping into the Cathedral, notice the amazingly 80's wetsuit.

So the past few days have been a bit of a whirlwind tour of “How many cool things can we do in just a few days?” The weekend started on Thursday with the advent of one of the originals dropping into the shop to let us all know that he was here. ProZac was in town.

This is highly significant because he is one of the original four members of the Alliance. It is also significant because he doesn’t live here, meaning he was a visiting dignitary. We don’t get a lot of those here in the devil’s desert.

It was quickly determined that we needed to go for a ride. The plan was to meet at the Barrel Roll and enjoy the morning air and knobby tires. If you follow the Alliance on the Book of Faces you know that I posted that said ride was going to be taking place only to give the wrong trail as what we would be riding. I noticed said goof upon awaking the morning of the ride and fixing it about 20 minutes before I left. If you stood around on the Barrel Ride waiting for us, I apologize from the deepest of my deep, rock hard, cold as stone heart.

The ride was good. Slow, lots of chatting and plenty of reminiscing, slow.

ProZac on the Barrel Roll
Barrel Rolling it up.


ProZac at the summit.

Of course, after one ride and knowing that ProZac would be in town for a couple more days, we promptly scheduled a follow up visit to SG singletrack. The date was set and the rsvp’s started to flow in. I was going to be there, ProZac, we had a definite from Prattipus and Sir Gurr was a definite “maybe I’ll see.” With all of that, ProZac and I rode. We enjoyed the Prospector to Church Rocks. There is no photo evidence of said ride. I’m sorry. I failed.

Prattipus should have been there. But I found out that morning at the shop, that he was a “rock star and kind of a big deal.” Apparently after I left Big D’s party the night before some partying like rock stars happened and I was left out in the cold. This was also the reason he didn’t show up for the ride. I’m not sure who wins here, but I kind of think it was me.

After two days of early morning rides, I was getting a bit tired and the weekend had just begun. Big D had invited KB and I to do some canyoneering which meant another early morning. Similar to the two days proceeding, Sunday was well worth the early morning start. The day held everything that I could dream of when dreaming of canyoneering. We rapelled, swam through cold ass water, cliff jumped, saw frogs, walked through a place where the walls were only a few feet across and saw only a hand full of people.

After the day was over, I proceeded to relive every possible bad scenario as I tried to sleep. I’ve decided that I am scared of heights after the fact. I can rapel, climb, hike and ride on the edge of huge cliffs. But every time I do I have nightmares the following night about all of the things that could have happened. So I hike Pine Creek and then fell through Pine Creek in my dreams last night. I fell off of the last wrap at least 123 times last night. I then woke up tired, sore and drained.

The photographic evidence.

Needless to say, it was a damn good weekend. I enjoyed every minute of it, except when I was dreaming about it. I promptly bought another dry bag. Can’t wait to do it all again.

Hope you enjoyed.



  1. Patrick

    I know how you feel about heights, except I know during the event. That said, I loved rappelling when I lived out in SG. My biggest canyoneering event was Water Canyon. Loved it. As always, keep safe.

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