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It’s time for some news about upcoming happenings

M_C_A_LOGO_3Hello, Alliance.

How are you this morning?

Me? Oh, I’m doing fine. After sleeping for about more or less all of yesterday, I feel much better. Thank you for asking. Apparently at some point of being sick, you have to just sleep. I had been refusing to do that. Yesterday turned out to refuse to let me do anything else.

That’s that, moving on.

There is an upcoming trail day. It will be a happening on the 24th (yes, I just said “a happening, I kind of like it). And will be occurring on none other than the most awesomest trail in the world, affectionately known as the Goose. For those of you who have had the pleasure of riding out there in the past few months, you most likely came home with some scrapes that could have been avoided. The trees and shrubberies have finally grown back to the point that they are impeding people’s ability to ride.

This event will be hosted by the DMBTA. All pertinent information can be found here.

A few days after that, the Alliance will be hosing out annual Anti-Turkey Genocide Day bike ride and friendly meal that doesn’t contain dead turkeys.

One of the Ten Commandments of the Church of the Holy Alliance of Mooseknucklers states, “If thou hath a day off, thou shalt ride.” It’s number two or three, I don’t recall exactly. Frankly, it doesn’t matter as the order of the commandments is way less important than the divine message pertained. And thus, we shall be riding on Turkey Genocide Day©.

The plan will be something along the lines of everything that happens around here. Meet at the Alliance Synagogue, ride till we feel tired and hungry and then sit around a fire and enjoy some food. The trail on tap for the day will be the ChurchRocks/Prospector/Everythingthatsoutthere loop which is about 25 miles and takes around 3-4 hours to ride. This will allow those who have “other” obligations to bail if needed, as there are more than a few spots for said bailing.

If for someone reason your name has been removed from the Holy Coffers of the Alliance and you didn’t receive an invite. Repent of your sins and then go here and invite yourself.

In somewhat unrelated news, there will be new single track in SG very soon. Part of me not resting has been due to me spending my mornings out in Hurricane with some ribbon and flags in the company of a few others with like minded goals. Construction starts on the 2oish and we should have a good 6+ miles for riding soon after.


I must admit pretending to be Edward Abbey and wandering around in the desert is addicting. I woke up this morning wishing that I was heading out again, but logic was enforced and I stayed in bed until I couldn’t stand it any longer. As mentioned above, rest may be in order.

And I believe that sums up the day’s breaking news.

P. L. and R.



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