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I need you to pay attention, this is very important

This just landed in my inbox and looks to be in our favor.

Bike Utah is working with Senator Weiler to pass a Vulnerable Users of Highway bill, this piece of legislation is aimed to build driver awareness of vulnerable road users and make sure that those motorists that harm them are held accountable. Here is a link to the proposed bill, Please review the bill and send along any questions you might have.

If you support the bill we encourage you to do one of two things or both;

1) Join us tomorrow at the Senate Transportation and Public Utilities and Technology Committee, 6 Feb 2013, 2:10 PM, 215 Senate Building

2) Email you Senator and let them know that your support SB 104. To find your Senator visit, and enter your address (this takes less than two minutes). Suggested cut and paste text for email;

Email subject line: SB104 – Vulnerable Users of Highways

Your Name

Your PO BOX or Address

Your City, State and Zip

Your Phone number

The Honorable (full name of Legislator)


Dear Senator (Last name),

I am writing to express my support for Bill SB 104 and I am asking that you support it as well.

The Vulnerable Users of Highways bill encourages motorists to be more aware of vulnerable road users, like people on bikes, pedestrians, and utility and emergency workers, and to take more responsibility for vulnerable user safety. This bill will provide law enforcement with additional tools to protect vulnerable road users.

Thank you for your time and your support of SB104 – Vulnerable Users of Highways.


Your name

Now go do your homework…

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