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I think someone burned down the lounge last night. It may have been all of us.

Due to the Mooseknuckler Cycling Alliance Social Lounge closing way past our regular hours last night, the Berg and I did get out and do some riding. It was a bit later than it should have been and things were hot. Seeing that I like to Make Cycling Difficult I decided to start the ride a little dehydrated from the night before. I also decided to pull a Prattipuss and only brought one water bottle. You know, it’s just the desert. It made the heat just that much more intolerable.

Anyway we got out and rode. That is the important thing. The fact that it was way less than we planned on riding has very little to do with how we felt afterwards.

I bring this ride up for the obvious reason that it is the first time I have ridden my bike in two weeks. Yup, two weeks. Also, the sun totally baked my brain and I am once again going to throw my hat into the ring for the TrueGrit Epic.

And I think I will go big and do the 100. I mean why not. I’m fat, slow and out of shape. I’ve got till March to get it sorted out. What’s the worst thing that could happen?

Oh right. The same thing that happened last year. I start to get things going and then at the vital time for me to be putting some miles on, I can’t breath because I have a cold. Well, AYHCSMB. I’ve got a few months of lead time this year. Anybody want to go for a ride?

No really. I’m going to do the Prattipuss Loop (formerly known as Doug’s Loop) tomorrow morning. If you are interested meet at the shop at 6 am. There are plenty of places to bail if you have to get to work. We should be able to be done by 9. Unless of course, you ride with my slow, fat, sorry ass.

In unrelated news, I’ve been enjoying a bicycle related comic strip for the past few months. It’s gotten to the point that I click in to read the daily comic before I do almost anything else in the morning. Seeing that I don’t pay to read his work. I thought the least I could do would be to send some you to Yehuda Moon and hopefully get you addicted too.

So head on over, have a read. And then click on the sponsors so the writers can get paid.

Speaking of clicking through, for those of you who enjoy my writing and that of my other blog, you could do me the same solid of just clicking on the adds when you read. You don’t have to buy anything, but I do get paid for every click through. Just a thought.

In once again, unrelated news. I’ve dumped Pandora and am now enjoying Spotify. I signed up when my subscription to Pandora ran out and I don’t think I will be going back. There’s almost too much music. Just ask Prattipuss, it’s hard to decide on what to listen to when you have 15 million songs to choose from.

Well, that concludes my disjointed thoughts for the day. Hit me up if you wanna do some riding tomorrow, or any time.




  1. Neetrith

    “Come on over, if you bring the six you owe me we’ll have 18” Great idea knucklehead…LOL!!!

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