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I’m throwing my hat in the ring. I’m running for president.

I am also running for Congressman, Senator, Police Chief, Mayor, City Councilman and ball boy. If I win, I will be highly disappointed. The only vote I hope to get is mine.

I mentioned this idea to the Alliance audience a while back. And then left it alone. There has been a dividing force here that I have decided should be lanced and left to fester on its own. That is my political thoughts, arguments and ideas. For many it is much too extreme to have anything to do with the Alliance because I happen to be an Anarchist.

I also hope to bring cycling to everyone so for the past few little-whiles, I have kept my political rantings out of the blogosphere of the Alliance. In hopes that we may enjoy an increase of visitors and hence, people out riding their bikes. In many ways it has worked. Unfortunately it has left me with an inkling of an in-grown hair that needs to be let out.

With the idea of letting out my wild hair, I have started yet another blog, I have invited certain individuals to participate, aka rant and post on said blog. The fact of the matter is that there are people who are smarter, wittier and more educated than I am. Recognizing those weaknesses in myself, I have carefully chosen masked individuals to let off some steam as part of my presidential campaign.

Most notably is my little sis, who will tell you that I may have had some influence in her life. But then you realize that not only did she get a scholarship to a law school, she chose to attend and at some point will make money. This tells you two things 1. she is way smarter than I am and 2. doesn’t necessarily see things the same way that I do.

Voting for you, is exactly that. I would vote for you but you happen to be a moron, so I will vote for me. I don’t expect you to think that I am not a moron, so I also don’t expect you to vote for me. I have met few men that could responsibly govern themselves and no man that could govern other men (someone else said that first, I just don’t know who or where. They may have also said it a little bit differently). To that end I will do everything I can so that each and every individual may govern themselves. To that end, please Vote for You!

I hope that the lack of political ranting has made the Alliance experience better for many of you. For those of you who miss my extreme left wing ideology, you now know where to go.

Peace. Love. and Revolution.


  1. Patrick

    I’m glad to see you finally created an outlet for your political views, it’s one of the things I’ve always respected about you. Keeping it real is what it’s all about.

  2. Marsha

    Sorry, Luke, you’re Mom follows you everywhere. I am really impressed with this site and appreciate the opinoins expressed here. I am frustrated with the politics of today and am open to new ideas. Thanks for giving me a place to go and especially to hear the opnions of some of my smartest children. 🙂

  3. Knuckler

    Why are you apologizing for following me? If you didn’t read it, I wouldn’t even have an audience. Thanks mom.

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