I will give anyone who can accurately reference that title a free overhaul on their bicycle. That’s $200 worth of work.
Today was a good day, one of the better days in history. I went to work, loved it and then came home to Jameson and cooking dinner for my baby. It’s been a long time since I cooked anything. Don’t accept this as coming out of the closet but the German and myself used to cook after our group rides. We would run into Fred Smiths grab some beer, decide what to cook and then cook it. I have to admit I did more asking what I could do than actually helping but nonetheless I learned a thing or two. All I know is the misses better damn well like the pasta I made her.
It’s official the Mooseknuckler-mobile will be headed to the mountains on Saturday to ride the Rim. Pretty stoked about the adventure. There’s nothing like riding at 10,000 feet to remind you how pathetically fat and/or slow you are. Yup, looking forward to the suffering.
In other news, I will be building three, count ’em three, S Works Tarmacs tomorrow. There’s nothing like having over $20,000 worth of bikes go through your stand in one day. I also found out I will be building another sickly high-end wheelset in the near future. We’re waiting on rims and hubs for one wheelset for this customer and he just put money down on another race day set that makes me drool. And I don’t drool easily. I will try and remember to take pics so I can post. I will furnish you with pics of tomorrow’s builds for sure.
Well, KB just got home so I’m off to play, do you like it?
Oh yeah, Fast Eddy called and said he was coming down next week. Mirate huevon, esto estara devertido…
Ride More.
It’s from a book, isn’t it? Liberation from the Lie or something like that. Or did I just make that up?
Nope. It’s actually a quote from Utah Philips. Bryce googled (is that a recognized verb yet?) it and couldn’t find it so I guess I win and you all lose.