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Well, oh well, I fell in a well that went straight to hell.

Sometimes I wonder about things. Things that really don’t matter. My latest musing is where do all the Sworks go. It used to be a treat to see one. It was like finding that almost extinct flower just sitting in the middle of a mountain valley and you would just, admire it.

Now they’re a dime a dozen. Of course, that dime has quite a few zeros behind it.

In the last two days, I built three Sworks, two Tarmacs and one Shiv.

On its way to Atlanta..

This particular Tarmac belongs to one Todd Wilkinson. Who in the not so distant past resided within the confines of our little county and became a regular at the shop. He and KY hit it off pretty good. He moved to Atlanta, and in his words, “All the bike shops suck out here.” So he now ships his bike to us when it really needs some love. Which happened to be the case this last week. Apparently someone had beat his down tube with a bat and left a gaping hole in it. So I built him up this beaut. Sorry I didn’t weigh it, I’m kind of over that…

Sworks Shiv, EDGE 65 and Dura Ace.

Then there was Shiv. Can you say Holy Shiv?! I’m not a big fan of TT bikes but this one is pretty cool. I don’t know how you could not be fast aboard this steed. I’ve been sworn to secrecy as to the owner, but I guarantee you it will be moving fast when it is ridden, twice a year…

Moving on to bigger and badder things.

The Tour de France is in the books. Lance Armstrong did not win. And my favorite Contador did. I just like to watch him climb, but I did not watch even one full stage. I saw the last ten minutes of a stage at Iggy’s but that was it. It was the first time I’ve been at a sports bar and have watched cycling. I mean really, when does that happen, especially in SG.  I couldn’t get myself to pay to watch someone else exercising. So I sat at home and watched people pretend to be someone else.

In capitalist news, I cleaned out my tool box the other day and found things that had been in there for years. Some of the things are close to new. Others have served their purpose well but could still serve some more. I could not throw said things away. So I put them on fleabay where I hope they will be put to good use once again. If you have any need of bike parts check out what I have to offer here.

In browner news… Of course, you’ve all heard about the AZ law making racial profiling legal. I’m sure you all have your opinions which are valid within their context. With all this debate, I’ve been musing. Yes, musing. I have found that most people who are in favor of deporting everyone cite two reasons for said eradication. First, they take our jobs and second, they broke the law by crossing the imaginary line that keeps the poor out. I’m not even gonna touch that second one because its ridiculous. But the first one has some logic to it. I can understand the idea of self preservation, of wanting to make sure that those who you hold dear are able to survive. I am also well aware of the struggle on a national level to create and keep jobs. Which makes me muse.

If you are pissed off at the “illegal” immigrants because they took your job, you need to ask yourself the following questions. Do I shop at Wal Mart? Where do I get my fruits and vegetables? Do I eat fruits and vegetables? Do I drive a Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Land Rover or any other brand not made in the U.S.? Do I live within my means? Who built my house? Do I buy at chains? Is the company I work for locally owned?

Obviously this list can go on for days. The point, if you are truly worried about the job market in the U.S. you need to address how your personal life is effecting that market. When you buy an avocado, do you simply by the cheapest or do you find one that was locally grown, or at least grown in the U.S.? If you simply buy the one that is the cheapest that most likely came from Chile, you just sent a job over that little, imaginary line. You gave away an American job.

I would love to hear people’s thoughts on this. Please comment, unless you can’t do so without being angry.


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