While I was in the Polar North, I picked up on a few things; how to stay warm in negative temperatures and arrive at school without having to chance any clothing, that riding is safer than walking in the snow, and most importantly always say hi.
There is an attitude that permeates the air of the Logan cycling community, it is one of superiority. Not just against other trail users or motorists but against other cyclists. It is one of the most cliquey places I have ever lived, as far as cyclists go. So I made a habit of saying hi to everyone I came in contact with while on my bike. This included hikers, equestrians, motorcyclists, ranchers and – gasp – other cyclists. This may sound like nothing new to most of you, but in Logan it was quite a radical idea. However, it only took a few group rides before I had everyone greeting all other users, and I didn’t suggest anything. They just started to do it.
St. George doesn’t hold that same clique attitude amongst cyclists but I have continued my habitual greetings. At this point I am past doing it for the good of the world and mainly just love to witness others’ expressions. I have found the majority of people to be friendly and they will quip right back with a jovial “Good Morning!” However, and these are my favorite, there are plenty of Oscars out there.
This very morning, not more than 20 minutes ago, I passed a man who was walking on the bike path. He was coming down the 8 percent grade while I was huffing up it. We made eye contact and I greeted him, but he must have been really hating his morning walk because I don’t think I’ve seen such a sour face. His nose was wrinkled just enough to give him a snarl on his upper lip and I’m lucky his glare didn’t knock me completely off my bike. These Oscars really crack me up. I don’t know of anything that I could be doing that I would hate doing that much.